Trekking Guide: Essential Tips For Beginners

This is specially to encourage those who have never tried trekking but want to. Fret not dear friends, if you adore hills, it’s just a little walk away. Trekking is that one activity which you can enjoy with the whole family. 

Destination depends on you and your walking and so does your determination and you should be well prepared for it. Following are some tips to make your hike an amazing experience.


A trek can be as long as you would want from ranging from a day to even one week. It all depends on you and how much time you’d want to spend outdoors. Your bagpack and equipments will be decided when you the duration of your venture.


Be realistic while deciding the hike trail you choose for. Remember your current fitness level and comfort before you finalize any trek. Also, keep in mind the difficulties you might face hence, make a better assessment of your ability.

Trek or Hike-

Trek and hike similar concepts; hike is a normal walk over a day or two whereas a trek involves walking on the terrain that may require maps and compass. 

They are usually classified into three different categories on the grade of easy, moderate, and difficult. The difficulty level of a trek is defined by its altitudes and terrain. Remember about your health and fitness before you opt for any one. Also, do not forget not all treks can be done throughout the year.

        Easy– These are not physically demanding and involve trails in the forests. Basically, made for an escapade from the city if the need arises. It can be attempted by anyone and everyone.

        Moderate– A little challenging, this trek involves more of uphill walking. It pushes you beyond your comfort zone and makes you sweat more than an easy trek would do. A first timer can attempt it at one go with proper training and right attitude.

         Difficult– These treks are demanding and can’t be excelled without proper training and experience. You require more stamina for these treks as the terrain becomes difficult to walk on and the conditions worsen. Weather plays a major role in difficult treks.

Training & Preparation-

Prepare yourself at home before going on a trek by:

  1. Build your stamina by cycling or swimming and strengthen your legs by taking the stairs instead of elevators. Make sure you’re carrying a backpack, preferably heavy, to practice walking uphill terrain.
  2. Adjust to cold weather by taking cold showers and bear the cold until you really feel to cover up.
  3. Hydrate yourself. Remember you are climbing uphill and will sweat out most of your body fluids, so it is better to keep yourself hydrated throughout and leave no chance of dehydration whatsoever.
  4. Know more about the area you’re hiking up to and read about the related sickness and symptoms of the diseases.

Pick a trekking agency-

If you have a good and experienced companying you, you need not worry. And if you don’t and its your first time, better look for someone who knows the area and is well acquainted with it. Enquire about everything you need to know and carry while trekking. 

Tread Softly- 

Do not forget it’s the nature who will be with you throughout your journey and you’re walking onto its lap. Try not to leave any traces behind and carry as little as you can. 

Avoid pollution, and discarding of the non-biodegradable items you bring. If you set up a fire, make sure you obey the rules of the area. If there’s a river or a water body nearby, make sure you don’t pollute it because the water is used by other living organisms too.


Your packing will depend on the number of days you will be staying outdoors. But nevertheless, carry the least you can; it’s for your comfort after all.

Carry your IDs’ photocopy and emergency contacts. 

Be wise enough to judge the amount of clothing you will require for the area you’re going to and for how many days. It is better you carry warm clothes with you as the temperature dips quite low during night irrespective of the place.

A sleeping bag, raincoat or a jacket (you never know when it will rain in the mountains), caps, sunglasses, toiletries, head lamp or torch, whistle, a swiss knife, water bottle and a walking stick ( if cant, there are plenty of sticks lying in the jungle for the same use)

Medical kit is must. Carry some dry ration and first aid emergency. In a Ziploc bag, carry some dry fruits, chocolates and handy snacks that you can munch on while trekking or during a snack break.  

The nature gives you a lot to cherish only if you know how well to use it. You don’t need any technicality or science to know the limit of the usage of its resources. Only if you coordinate with the environment is when you’ll have the best trekking experience!